Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Barrack Hussein Obama Losing It?

I remarked to my wife last night that BHO seemed particularly spooked and strident this week, that I was afraid he was "losing it". Why?

When's the last time a President called out riot police to control a small bunch of harmless tea partiers like he did in Quincy yesterday? Here's the shameful video...

When's the last time a President set up a racial divide so large that it lumps us into 2 imaginary forces - white men over 40 against everyone else? Here's what he said:
"It will be up to each of you to make sure that the young people, African Americans, Latinos, and women, who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again" -- BHO
There's so much more that he is doing to try to divide and conquer this nation for his own progressive ends. But what's really scary is what he will do as he finds his visions slipping away, his minions turning from him, and the American public gladly sending him down the road.

Others are noticing and writing on the unattractive side of this President.

In Smart Aleck-in-Chief? Daniel Henninger at The WSJ sub-titles BHO's overwheming negativity as follows:"There may be good reasons for Obama to go negative, but doing so could wreck his presidency."  Henninger goes on:

There may be any number of good, political reasons for Mr. Obama to let it rip. But let's cut to the real reason this is happening. The answer is (f): It's what Barack Obama likes to do.

And it's a mistake.

Even Achilles had a heel, and Mr. Obama's may be his decision to be his own Saul Alinsky. Defining, demonizing and making a mockery of one's opponents was one of Alinsky's main rules for community organizers. But community organizers, though often charismatic, can also be annoying jerks.

Karl Rove in It's Only Called the Bully Pulpit says "Attacking the motives of critics is not presidential." He goes on:

But it is the president's intimidation that is most troubling. Mr.
Obama has the disturbing tendency to question the motives of those who
disagree with him, often making them the objects of ad hominem attacks.
His motives, on the other hand, are pure.

Mr. Obama often makes it seem
illegitimate to challenge his views, and he isn't content to argue
issues on the merits. Instead, he wants to make opponents into pariahs.
And it's not just business executives who are on the receiving end.
We've also seen this pattern with the administration's attacks on the
tea party movement and those who attended town-hall meetings last summer
on health care.

This is a bad habit—and a dangerous one.
The presidency is a very powerful office, and presidents need to be
careful not to use it to silence dissenting voices.

As he rants and raves, as he snickers and curls that upper lip, as he demonizes those who dare to disagree with him, as he dithers and then strikes out, as he appeases and strokes those who would destroy us, as he is incapable of leadership and constantly on the campaign trail, as he makes the truth relative only to his own arrogance, he diminishes this great Country.

We can only hope that America survives by doing what it has always eventually done - put freedom first, principles over politics, and encourage personal responsibility.

God bless America!

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