Thursday, April 1, 2010

Open letter to our sorely needed Christian Pastors and teachers – We need you now!

My dear Christian Pastors and Teachers,

I urge you read and take some action on this letter from the organizers of The Manhattan Declaration.

As Christians, we sorely need the leadership of our Pastors and teachers on what actions we must take in a world that appears to be falling apart quickly. I'll leave the theology to you but I don't believe that the Lord intends for us to sit on our hands waiting for Him to come and straighten all this out while we progress into entitlement tyranny. One of you referred very succinctly and wisely to Christians who sit and wait as "lazy Christians". They, and many of our leaders, don't seem to have caught on to the meaning of "we must be in this world but not of it". Maybe He's waiting for us to show some concern for our God-given rights?

So I strongly beg you, Christian Pastors and teachers, to get in the fray. I truly believe that we are at a crossroads that only wise and active Christian leadership can guide us through. That guidance will take courage in these days of "political correctness".

Blessings and thanks,


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