Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cartoon Corner – 4/8/10


from [The cartoonists seem to have found BHO’s nuclear policy particularly sophomoric, a remnant of the 60s. Can you hear “Kumbaya” in the background? – JS]

image from
  Liberal lexicographers have been cracking their knuckles and getting up to new mischief in the Obama Whitehouse. Previously, they've declared that the 9/11 attacks weren't acts of terror, but were instead a "man-caused disaster." Similarly, there is no "war on terror," but only "overseas contingency operations."
  Seizing the fierce urgency of inanity, the Obama administration is now floating the idea that the words "Muslim" and "Islamic" must be struck from strategic documents, and no terrorists will be described as being Muslim or Islamic, no matter which deity's name they were shrieking when they self-detonated. Read more…

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