Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cartoon Corner –4/7/10

from Chip Bok: Some republicans are unhappy with the soaring spending of RNC chairman Michael Steele.  One notable expense was $2000 at a “bondage themed nightclub”,  Voyeur West Hollywood. The outing was an attempt to wrap up 30-something republican donors known as Young Eagles.   A private jet the high flying chairman had been angling for was rejected.

Barack Obama has just announced his new "Nuclear Posture Review" for the United States. And the posture is, pretty much, to grab our collective ankles.The review explicitly lays out the rules for anyone who wants to attack the United States without worrying about getting nuked in return. Poison gas? No problem! Cropdusters with anthrax? Bring it on! The president's reasoning seems to be that there will be less incentive for rogue states to acquire nuclear weapons if we assure them that they can use non-nuclear weapons on us in relative safety. No, really! In Obama's land of unicorns and rainbows, a world with fewer nukes is a wonderful place to live, even with the occasional smallpox attack or water system spiked with cyanide. Whether that will be true in the real world is something we just became much more likely to find out...


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