Thursday, March 18, 2010

Heeeeeeeees Back! And still in God’s hands …

Yesterday I posted:

“I’ll be down for several days for some medical procedures which the English health care system would have denied me and which ObamaCare would eventually ration. So far, the Lord is keeping me around to serve, a decision I would far rather be left in His hands.”

I’m back today with a cardio catheter conclusion that my heart is as good as it was year ago – not great but unchanged! The symptoms remain unexplained but that’s okay because the event caused my wife, who never ceases to touch me, to Facebook this while we were at the hospital:

“Spending too much time in hospitals the last three years has provided observation time. Waiting rooms alone give view to the total human condition. A myriad of emotions punctuated by quick bonds of anxiety and occasional sharp notes of lost love ones create either havoc or wonder and relief. It is here that faith is tested and sometimes born or sadly lost.
  Today a small dark man came in tears streaming down his cheeks. I believe he was close to crying out loud but the confines of the room and closeness of strangers kept him from doing so. Nudged by the spirit I found myself hugging him and praying for him. Un-consoled he left the room. Later I learned he had lost his little brother.
  As my husbands good nurse returned and I went to attend my own love in the quiet of his bedside I consider wearing my emotions outwardly. If we don't let others know of our own human condition how can they help? Isn't it really human nature to serve each other? God’s word commands us to do so. Our small acts of kindness reinforce this. And yet we resist. I gotta do better. Join me.”

Socialized health care would be ranting now that the money spent was wasted. My wife and I have worked hard all our lives to afford health insurance. Virtually all my illnesses – lung cancer, coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, chemo and diabetic neuropathies, gout and who-knows-what-else come from Agent Orange exposure in Viet Nam while serving this country. Socialized health care can stuff it!

Ambroise Pare said "I bandage, God heals." I’m again happiest that I am in God’s hands and my wife’s arms.

God bless you all!


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