Friday, March 19, 2010

God knows what gets you stressed

Posted by Rick Warren at

Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8 (NIV)

"Prayer is never giving information to God. He already knows what's going on in your life. "

God knows everything that gets you stressed. For instance, many of us today are concerned about the economy, and so we have financial fears.

And then we act as if God is unaware of our bills?  "Don't you see, God?  I'm going under!  I'm not going to make it!"  We're trying to stretch and make ends meet. We get uptight, upset, and we worry. But worry is the result of not realizing the omniscience of God. 

When we think that God doesn't know what's going on in our lives, then we think we have to take matters into our own hands.  In effect, we're saying, "I'll be God." Worrying is taking responsibility for things God never intended you to have. 

The truth is God is aware of all your needs. He's aware of every single need you have: financial needs, spiritual needs, sexual needs, social needs, emotional needs. In fact, the Bible says God knows what you need before you ask.  Prayer is never giving information to God. He already knows what's going on in your life.

What's the use of praying, then?  God's waiting for you to ask Him for help. The Bible says, "You have not because you ask not."

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