Shocking numbers: Real unemployment tops 22%
The true rate of unemployment for October 2009 may be 22.1 percent, not the 10.2 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports. Unemployment at 22.1 percent, if accurate, would be at numbers not seen since peak unemployment during the 1973 to 1975 recession. Economist John Williams, publisher of, estimates that the peak of unemployment in nonfarm unemployment in the Great Depression of the 1930s would, by his methodology, have registered at 34 to 35 percent in 1933. So, how does the Obama administration get away with reporting the lower unemployment percentage? Corsi explained that the Clinton administration changed the way BLS calculates unemployment statistics by excluding "discouraged workers," those who had given up looking for a job because there were no jobs to be found. Read More and Comment:
"PC" Watch! Hasan on Islam Lecture - He actually lectured senior USA doctors on Islam in 2007 #tcot
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Scott Wheeler: A Tale of Two Shootings - Obama's remarks upon hearing that abortionist George Tiller was shot--- "I am shocked and outraged" contrasted with his statement on the news that 12 unarmed soldiers were gunned down at Ft. Hood Army Post: "I would caution against jumping to conclusions" about the motives of the gunman……
"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't
adjust the goals, adjust the action steps." - Confucius
Just 4% Say Most Politicians Keep Their Campaign Promises – Rasmussen Polls
Counting the Cost - Elections have consequences. But sometimes we have to wait a bit to learn what they are. Recall Barack Obama’s historic election. He glided into office last year, bringing along an increased Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and a seemingly filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. How did he win? In part by promising to restore fiscal sanity….. Having had a year to weigh President Obama’s policies against Candidate Obama’s promises, voters have found his actions wanting. This year they opted for more conservative candidates in New Jersey and Virginia’s gubernatorial races. If the president doesn’t start keeping his promises, the 2010 midterms may bring more of the same.
After the Fort Hood Massacre - Sorting the Hasans from patriotic Muslims in the U.S. military. #tcot #gop
"We start with first principles. The Constitution creates a Federal Government of enumerated powers." ~ William H. Rehnquist
Chief Justice, U. S. Supreme Court
"This government is acknowledged by all, to be one of enumerated powers." ~ Justice John Marshall
(1755-1835) US Supreme Court Chief Justice
Source: McCulloch v. Maryland
HEALTH CARE GETS PELOSI’D - “The bill is passed.”
That’s what Nancy Pelosi barked as the House passed its own version of Obamacare by a 5-vote margin late Saturday night. The only reason they were able to do so was because pro-life Democrats inserted an amendment into the bill that ensured no federal money would be used to fund abortions. But immediately after inserting that language, top Democratic lawmakers said that they were confident it would be excised—perhaps because 40 pro-choice Democratic members said they would not support final passage of the bill if it contained that amendment. … The House passage clearly marks a monumental victory for the Democrats, but the Democratic in-fighting in the House—where Pelosi is supposed to have a solid majority – likely means getting it passed in the Senate will be much tougher. At 1,990 pages, it will clearly be an uphill battle.
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