by Star Parker at
Now we have a different picture. Borrowing from the words of Mark Twain, reports of the death of the Republican Party were greatly exaggerated. …
Will voter discontent that led to these Republican victories be parlayed into a genuine Republican renaissance? …
To genuinely rebuild, Republicans must successfully take on two big challenges, one internal and one external.
First, a notion that has divided the party -- that free market economics and the social "values" agenda are separate cards to be played -- must be purged. The more libertarian stream -- Republicans whose principal concerns are limited government, low taxes, and free markets -- have viewed Christian social conservatism as dead weight in the party. This is a mistake.
Christian conservatives, on the other hand, with legitimate concerns about the moral framework of the nation -- concerns about the integrity of the American family and about the ongoing abortion holocaust -- have given shorter shrift to the importance of constitutionally limited government and free markets. …
Taking on these two big challenges -- connecting free market capitalism with traditional values, and outreach to non-white America -- will secure a Republican and an American renaissance.
I have to agree whole hearted with you. I think the easiest first step is shrinking our gov't to solve immediate problem and work on family values next.