Sunday, August 30, 2009

What Is President Obama Really Trying To Do? Does He Have Some Other Agenda?

by Austin Hill at

What are Barack Obama’s objectives? What is he really trying to accomplish, as our President?

Our current Commander-In-Chief won the presidency last year with very broad, generalized campaign themes of “hope,” “change,” and to a lesser degree, “transformation. ” He promised a foreign policy that would correct all the “mistakes” of George W. Bush, and an economic policy that would take wealth away from “rich” people and give it to people who were “deserving” of it.

Today, after roughly eight months in office, nobody doubts that President Obama has brought about a dramatic level of ”change.” But what is the purpose of Obama’s “change,” where is it leading, and what is all this “change” supposed to produce for the United States?

Despite philosophical and policy differences, most U.S. Presidents (certainly those of of recent history) have been, in their own ways, beholden to an agenda of keeping America safe and prosperous. But today I wonder if anyone believes that our President’s current agenda actually enhances safety and prosperity, or if, perhaps, some other agenda is being advanced.......

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to argue that President Obama is seeking to advance American peace and prosperity – this is so, at least in terms of how “peace” and “prosperity” have customarily been defined. Does President Obama have his own definitions for these terms? And how might his agenda of “transformation” entail something entirely different from anything America has known before?

Read the entire article here....

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