Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Holy Spirit—Giving New Life - A Charles Stanley Devotion

READ | Romans 6:3-11

“Lord, I have really messed up my life. I wish I could just start over.” Have you ever felt this way? Maybe you are even wondering if life is worth living. Well, I have some bad news and some good news. First, you cannot change your past—it is firmly set in history. However, you can start over, no matter where you are right now.

The Holy Spirit specializes in giving new life. All who have believed in Christ and trusted in Him for salvation have His Spirit dwelling within them. New life begins immediately for all who choose to accept His offer of the forgiveness of their sins. There is no more condemnation, and they are set free to begin living for Christ.

How easy life would be if that were the only fresh start we’d ever need. But our old sinful tendencies—which the Bible calls “the flesh”—are not removed at salvation. Throughout life, there will be times when we will need to go back and make things right.

The Spirit is ever present, empowering us to say no to the flesh and yes to Christ. Stop and consider the strength of the One who lives within you. He has all the power of almighty God, who raised Jesus from the dead (Rom. 8:11). Is your situation more difficult than a resurrection?

By setting your mind on the things of the Spirit and living under His authority, you can put to death the sinful actions and habits that have made a mess of your life. The Lord wants to set you free from addicting pleasures and drives that lead only to pain and heartache. Begin today by letting the Holy Spirit lead you into new life.


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