Many people won't or shouldn't carry a firearm. I think the next best thing is a stun gun. Unlike a taser, it doesn't fire darts which can miss, not stick, or not penetrate. Better yet, the stun gun makes a very loud snap which should stop and scare away most offenders, human or canine. This should mean that you won't even have to use it most of the time. Here's a link to the Shock 'n Awe 2.9 million volt stun gun I carry. Below are some FAQs on stun guns.
What is a stun gun?
A stun gun is a hand-held, battery-powered device designed to deliver an electric shock to an attacker. They are not guns in the traditional sense, because they don’t shoot anything or anybody. A stun gun has two prongs at the end of the device. Touching an attacker with the prongs and pulling the trigger will cause an electrical current to go from the prongs through the attacker’s clothes into his body.
The pulsed current causes muscles to work super fast, depleting them of needed blood sugars. It also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control muscle movement. The results are disorientation and loss of balance. The entire process takes only a few seconds and is very painful. It can disable a person for up to 30 minutes.
Although the voltage can be as high as 1,000,000, the amperage is low, so it will not cause any permanent damage to the person who receives the shock. A stun gun is a great protection device.
What are the sizes and styles of stun guns?
Stun guns come in different sizes and shapes. They are designed to be held in an average size hand. Z-force stun guns are intended for those with smaller hands. In most cases, the more volts a stun gun is capable of producing, the longer and heavier it will be.
The 'mini' stun gun is usually 3.25 inches long. The stopping power of these compact units is surprisingly good. Runt 950,000 volts Mini, Streetwise million volts rechargeable, and Stun Master Hot shot are excellent examples.
Most stun guns are about six inches long, with voltages ranging from 100,000 to 2,900,000 volts.
Stun Master stun guns are available in straight and curved models. While the straight model is the most common, some people prefer the curved model, feeling that the curved design makes it easier to make contact with the attacker.
Stun batons are about 16 to 20 inches long. They allow you to maintain more distance from an attacker, and they also deliver a shock when touched six inches from the tip. This prevents an attacker from grabbing it and taking it away. They are a favorite among security guards.
The element of surprise usually makes stun guns more effective. Some stun guns are disguised as cell phones, flashlights or other ordinary objects so you can catch an attacker off guard.
How does a stun gun work?
The stun gun works on the muscular and neural system. It does not rely on high amperage or pain for results. The stun gun dumps its energy into the muscles at a high pulse frequency. This makes the muscles work very rapidly which results in energy loss. It also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that travel through the whole body to control and direct voluntary muscle movement. This causes disorientation and loss of balance and leaves the attacker in a passive and confused condition for several minutes.
Generally speaking, a one second contact with the device will repel, startle and cause muscle contraction. One to two seconds will cause muscle spasms and a dazed state. Three or more seconds will cause loss of balance and muscle control, mental confusion and severe disorientation. The attacker will be unable to recover for several minutes and effects may last for up to fifteen minutes
Will I be shocked if the attacker touches me when the device is applied?
No! The electrical current is absorbed in the muscles and will not pass through to the user, regardless of the conditions. Even if the assailant is holding you, there is no way the current will pass to you.
Are stun guns safe?
Stun guns have been proven safe. They cause no permanent damage to an attacker. There is no evidence that the electrical charge of the stun gun has adverse psychological or neurological effects. The effects on the heart or other major organs are very insignificant.
Stun guns will not permanently injure or kill anyone because of the voltage. One amp will kill a person. Most stun guns deliver only 3 milliamps. That is far below the amperage that could do any lasting damage to an individual.
Do stun guns have safety switches to prevent accidental activation?
Most models we carry include a safety switch to prevent accidental activation. The unit cannot produce a shock unless the safety switch is activated AND the On/Off switch is turned ON.
What is the power source for stun guns?|
Stun guns are normally powered by 9-volt Energizer alkaline batteries. Lower voltage units require only one, and the higher voltage units will use two or more. Newer models use Lithium Batteries, and the rechargeable stun guns do not need batteries, they include a charge cord.
How do I carry a stun gun?
Most models are small enough to fit easily inside a pocket or purse, and include a belt clip so the unit can be conveniently worn on the waist. Leather and nylon holsters are also available. A holster can keep a stun gun securely in place. Some design allows quick access.
How do I use a stun gun?
To use a stun gun, hold the electrodes firmly against an attacker. Target an area that is harder and slower to move like the upper shoulder or the upper hip. The arms or hands are not good attack points because they can be moved away too quickly. To completely subdue the attacker, the stun gun must be continuously applied for a few seconds. More time is required if the person is large, or you are using a low voltage model.
Will a stun gun work on those under the influence?
Yes. Stun guns work on those under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, but effects on a person under the influence can vary.
What difference does the voltage make?
Generally, the higher the voltage, the quicker the full effect of the stun gun, thus more effective. Besides voltage, the delivery method and the amperage of the charge are also important. A lower voltage stun gun with a better method of delivery may be more effective then the stun gun with higher voltage.
Can a stun gun be fired multiple times?
Yes. A stun gun can be used many times to ward off attackers before the battery needs recharging or replacement.|
Are stun guns legal in my area?
Stun devices are restricted in some areas. HI, MA, MI, NY, NJ, RI and WI are known states where stun devices are restricted. A few cities and counties also have laws restrict its use and ownership. Before buying a stun device, please make sure they are legal where you live. You may check stun gun laws and restrictions for some general guideline. If in doubt, contact your local police department.
Can I travel with a stun gun?
When traveling, stun guns should be packed in CHECKED luggage only. They are not allowed in terminal areas of any airport, or in any carry-on luggage. Never attempt to enter a courthouse, government building, public meeting, or sporting event area with a stun device.
Should I choose stun gun or pepper spray?
Stun guns and pepper spray both have advantages and disadvantages. A stun gun can only be used at close contact with an attacker, while pepper spray can put a safe distance between you and an attacker (5-10 feet depending on model). Pepper spray must be sprayed in the eyes or inhaled directly to be effective, while stun gun works anywhere on the body. The effectiveness of pepper spray may be affected by wind and rain, and stun gun effectiveness depends on how long you keep the gun on the attacker.

What is a stun gun?
A stun gun is a hand-held, battery-powered device designed to deliver an electric shock to an attacker. They are not guns in the traditional sense, because they don’t shoot anything or anybody. A stun gun has two prongs at the end of the device. Touching an attacker with the prongs and pulling the trigger will cause an electrical current to go from the prongs through the attacker’s clothes into his body.
The pulsed current causes muscles to work super fast, depleting them of needed blood sugars. It also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that control muscle movement. The results are disorientation and loss of balance. The entire process takes only a few seconds and is very painful. It can disable a person for up to 30 minutes.
Although the voltage can be as high as 1,000,000, the amperage is low, so it will not cause any permanent damage to the person who receives the shock. A stun gun is a great protection device.
What are the sizes and styles of stun guns?
Stun guns come in different sizes and shapes. They are designed to be held in an average size hand. Z-force stun guns are intended for those with smaller hands. In most cases, the more volts a stun gun is capable of producing, the longer and heavier it will be.
The 'mini' stun gun is usually 3.25 inches long. The stopping power of these compact units is surprisingly good. Runt 950,000 volts Mini, Streetwise million volts rechargeable, and Stun Master Hot shot are excellent examples.
Most stun guns are about six inches long, with voltages ranging from 100,000 to 2,900,000 volts.
Stun Master stun guns are available in straight and curved models. While the straight model is the most common, some people prefer the curved model, feeling that the curved design makes it easier to make contact with the attacker.
Stun batons are about 16 to 20 inches long. They allow you to maintain more distance from an attacker, and they also deliver a shock when touched six inches from the tip. This prevents an attacker from grabbing it and taking it away. They are a favorite among security guards.
The element of surprise usually makes stun guns more effective. Some stun guns are disguised as cell phones, flashlights or other ordinary objects so you can catch an attacker off guard.
How does a stun gun work?
The stun gun works on the muscular and neural system. It does not rely on high amperage or pain for results. The stun gun dumps its energy into the muscles at a high pulse frequency. This makes the muscles work very rapidly which results in energy loss. It also interrupts the tiny neurological impulses that travel through the whole body to control and direct voluntary muscle movement. This causes disorientation and loss of balance and leaves the attacker in a passive and confused condition for several minutes.
Generally speaking, a one second contact with the device will repel, startle and cause muscle contraction. One to two seconds will cause muscle spasms and a dazed state. Three or more seconds will cause loss of balance and muscle control, mental confusion and severe disorientation. The attacker will be unable to recover for several minutes and effects may last for up to fifteen minutes
Will I be shocked if the attacker touches me when the device is applied?
No! The electrical current is absorbed in the muscles and will not pass through to the user, regardless of the conditions. Even if the assailant is holding you, there is no way the current will pass to you.
Are stun guns safe?
Stun guns have been proven safe. They cause no permanent damage to an attacker. There is no evidence that the electrical charge of the stun gun has adverse psychological or neurological effects. The effects on the heart or other major organs are very insignificant.
Stun guns will not permanently injure or kill anyone because of the voltage. One amp will kill a person. Most stun guns deliver only 3 milliamps. That is far below the amperage that could do any lasting damage to an individual.
Do stun guns have safety switches to prevent accidental activation?
Most models we carry include a safety switch to prevent accidental activation. The unit cannot produce a shock unless the safety switch is activated AND the On/Off switch is turned ON.
What is the power source for stun guns?|
Stun guns are normally powered by 9-volt Energizer alkaline batteries. Lower voltage units require only one, and the higher voltage units will use two or more. Newer models use Lithium Batteries, and the rechargeable stun guns do not need batteries, they include a charge cord.
How do I carry a stun gun?
Most models are small enough to fit easily inside a pocket or purse, and include a belt clip so the unit can be conveniently worn on the waist. Leather and nylon holsters are also available. A holster can keep a stun gun securely in place. Some design allows quick access.
How do I use a stun gun?
To use a stun gun, hold the electrodes firmly against an attacker. Target an area that is harder and slower to move like the upper shoulder or the upper hip. The arms or hands are not good attack points because they can be moved away too quickly. To completely subdue the attacker, the stun gun must be continuously applied for a few seconds. More time is required if the person is large, or you are using a low voltage model.
Will a stun gun work on those under the influence?
Yes. Stun guns work on those under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, but effects on a person under the influence can vary.
What difference does the voltage make?
Generally, the higher the voltage, the quicker the full effect of the stun gun, thus more effective. Besides voltage, the delivery method and the amperage of the charge are also important. A lower voltage stun gun with a better method of delivery may be more effective then the stun gun with higher voltage.
Can a stun gun be fired multiple times?
Yes. A stun gun can be used many times to ward off attackers before the battery needs recharging or replacement.|
Are stun guns legal in my area?
Stun devices are restricted in some areas. HI, MA, MI, NY, NJ, RI and WI are known states where stun devices are restricted. A few cities and counties also have laws restrict its use and ownership. Before buying a stun device, please make sure they are legal where you live. You may check stun gun laws and restrictions for some general guideline. If in doubt, contact your local police department.
Can I travel with a stun gun?
When traveling, stun guns should be packed in CHECKED luggage only. They are not allowed in terminal areas of any airport, or in any carry-on luggage. Never attempt to enter a courthouse, government building, public meeting, or sporting event area with a stun device.
Should I choose stun gun or pepper spray?
Stun guns and pepper spray both have advantages and disadvantages. A stun gun can only be used at close contact with an attacker, while pepper spray can put a safe distance between you and an attacker (5-10 feet depending on model). Pepper spray must be sprayed in the eyes or inhaled directly to be effective, while stun gun works anywhere on the body. The effectiveness of pepper spray may be affected by wind and rain, and stun gun effectiveness depends on how long you keep the gun on the attacker.

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