Sunday, March 24, 2013

You Can Do Better... Shameful Cartoon

129172 600 Do Better cartoons
From Steve Breen at

TRULY SHAMEFUL! VA chief promises faster action on disability claims -- AGAIN!

1 comment:

  1. Obama is doing everything he can to demoralize our fighting men. Think of the changes he's made over the past 4 years: asking all top ranking commanders if they would fire upon US citizens; placing females on the front lines; politicising homosexuals all throughout the services; refusal to execute known killers like the muslim who killed fellow soldiers and still has not been in front of JAG; not allowing returning soldiers to own a gun, the Benghazhi massacre and many more. The US has demonstrated clearly superior mastery of the battle field all over the world for so many years. So Obama wanting to destroy America is using these painful antagonistic steps to try to erode the power of our fighting men. IMPEACHMENT for these HIGH Crimes of TREASON is the only answer. Can we find a person, organization or strong opposition leader to stand up in public and expressthe VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. I see all of the ills of Obama plastered across countless internet pages, yet I am wondering why no action has ever been taken against him. What keeps him so protected?
