Thursday, January 10, 2013

Newtown is the fruit of liberal-progressive, self-centered hedonism and its effort to push everyone into the socialist cesspool...

... We really are dealing with a matter of individual and national character. And character is formed by religion and the resulting societal paradigm of “doing the right thing.” Plato and Aristotle viewed it as lawgivers focusing upon the transcendental to understand true justice and then crafting laws that would orient people’s lives and the education of their children toward moral conduct and away from the sort of pragmatic philosophy (if a self-centered action gets what you want it is valid) advocated by liberal-progressives since the days of John Dewey.

What had been taking place in Athens as Plato and Aristotle looked back and endeavored to understand the degeneration of their city state is almost exactly paralleled in the moral degradation we in the United States have endured for the past forty years.

Since the 1960s, however, the lunatic fringe of liberal-progressivism (the student activists) have gradually won society to their views, as expressed by Weartherman leaders and Obama’s friends and advisors, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. They and their Weatherman colleagues advocated abandoning the paradigm of family loyalty, plumping for loyalty only to the commune; they demanded that, if one did not already have a pistol, he had to acquire one, the aim being to “bring the war home and kill the pigs.”

Newtown is the fruit of liberal-progressive, self-centered hedonism and its effort to push everyone into the socialist cesspool.

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