By John Sykes
We should provide for more and better immigrants, admitting those who can and will contribute to our workforce and who want to be Americans - not Cuban-Mexican-German-Israeli or any other kind of hyphenated American - Americans.
Of course we need to assimilate those we admit.
They must learn English.
They must get jobs.
They must salute one flag - our flag.
They must become citizens or leave.
Nothing that is good is ever easy but we cannot survive without well planned and controlled immigration. After all, most of us wouldn't be here without immigration.
So let's do it right but do it we must!
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Well thought out and stated. Short, sweet and to the point. The whole illegal immigration problem by those who don’t want to assimilate, speak our language or respect our laws and customs in this country is due to unscrupulous employers looking for dirt cheap labor to exploit. They will hire virtually anyone willing to work for wages far below what the average American will accept that are also willing to work in very undesirable and even unsafe working environments, regardless of lack of skills, training, education or communication skills. Control these companies and you will control the problem.