However, there's much more at stake in political parlor games than simply formulating targeted marketing strategies. Ms. Thompson endeavored to ask not just who, but beyond and to the more important question: Why? What was it that made some people, at a deeper level, more susceptible to the allure of such an [statist] ideology? She answered:
Their race, color, creed, or social condition is not the criterion. It is something in them.
Thompson explained her conclusion further:
Sometimes I think there are direct biological factors at work -- a type of education, feeding, and physical training which has produced a new kind of human being with an imbalance in his nature. He has been fed vitamins and filled with energies that are beyond the capacity of his intellect to discipline. He has been treated to forms of education which have released him from inhibitions. His body is vigorous. His mind is childish. His soul has been almost completely neglected.
Those chilling words were written decades ago, yet they seem to describe much of today's society. For a real jolt, reread Thompson's article, replacing Nazi wherever it appears with "Obama-supporter." Besides being a very politically incorrect exercise, the uncomfortable parallels are inescapable: both statist ideologies, besides being led by riveting personalities, seem to appeal to childish minds -- many of them highly educated -- whose souls have been neglected.

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