Thursday, September 20, 2012

Conservative on Target! 9/20/12

The ACLU’s Battle Against “Blatant Gender Stereotypes”: The school system in Cranston, R.I., announced it is banning traditional father-daughter and mother-son activities, saying they are a violation of the state’s gender discrimination law, the Providence Journal reported late Monday.”According to Steven Brown of the Rhode Island ACLU, “This is 2012 and they [public schools] should not be in the business of fostering blatant gender stereotypes.” Blatant gender stereotypes? Like moms and dads and daughters and sons? Like husbands and wives and boys and girls? Like male and female? Is that what he means by “blatant gender stereotypes”? Is that what public schools should not be fostering? [Can we get any further down the rabbit hole? Have we completely lost our minds? This is truly sickening!]

Own it, Mitt! -- Mitt Romney must own his now (in)famous 47 percent argument, argues The Daily Caller's Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel: "The scariest effect of a tax code that passes over the bottom half of the population is what happens to that 50 percent. People tend to cherish and take care of the things they pay for and therefore own, countries included. The opposite is also true. When was the last time you changed the oil in a rental car? There will always be some who for whatever reason find themselves dependent on the charity of others. But when half the population is along for the ride, the system becomes dangerously out of balance. Things fall apart."

The White House is close to completing its next executive order that will legislate by administrative fiat. This one will enact cyber security rules that couldn’t pass Congress.

Obamas Bastardization Of American Icons Shows Disdain For States

This disgusting print is for sale by the Obama campaign. It truly sickens me that we are led by a man this arrogant, this oblivious, this hateful of all that is the USA!

"To combat depression by a forced credit expansion is to attempt to cure the
evil by the very means which brought it about;
because we are suffering from a
misdirection of production, we want to create further misdirection -- a
procedure which can only lead to a much more severe crisis as soon as the
credit expansion comes to an end." -- Friedrich August von Hayek


Romney Locks up the 64%? He should keep hammering away at our Divider-In-Chief!

UNREAL! Obama & Hillary Star In Taxpayer Funded Apology Ads in Pakistan, Avoid Mention of 1st Amendment

INCREDIBLE ARROGANCE! Obama Campaign Replaces the Stars on the American Flag with…Obama’s Logo

'Nuf Said! > UN chief: Free speech must be protected, unless it provokes or humiliates someone’s beliefs

Isn't it time we were granted a Heterosexual Month?

WOW! US State Department is Financing Mosques around the World

The world rages while Obama parties with Jay-Z and Beyonce! Is Obama really this detached?

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