Friday, February 10, 2012

Does Jesus Have a Sense of Humor?

From Ransomed Heart

Well, he created laughter. And think of the crowd he dined with. These rabble-rousers quickly earned Jesus a reputation as a drunkard and a glutton, and it wasn’t because they served water and crackers. This was a wild group, and surely such a crowd got rolling in laughter from time to time, if only from the joy they were experiencing being with Jesus. Now, surely the creator of these colorful characters didn’t sit there frowning, looking pious, Mr. Killjoy, Mr. I’m-Above-All-This. Imagine his own happiness at having these very lost sheep back at his side.

Laughter is from God. This one quality alone might save us from the religious veil that forever tries to come in and cloud our perception of Jesus.

After all—it was God who gave us a sense of humor. Do you really think Jesus came to take it away?

[This just made me smile, filled me with joy. We don’t often think of Jesus having fun or joking or partying. It warms my heart to think of him laughing! – JS]

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