By John Sykes
In posting to my blog, I try to find articles that reflect not just on immediate news but on what’s behind that news or on what is not being covered. Today is one of the days where there is so much that I find important that I will use an earlier tactic and summarize, hoping that the summary will prompt you to read the articles in their entirety. Most often the summary will be the conclusion of the post. Note that images will usually expand if you click in them.
NYPD Succumbs to Complaint from Terrorist Group …I echo her concern and disappointment that the NYPD would so easily cave in to a single complaint from an organization that is known to have ties to Hamas and Islamic terrorists. Before reacting so impulsively, you would think that a law enforcement agency that prides itself on its investigative powers and anti-terrorist knowledge would have spent a little time to verify the accuracy of CAIR’s complaint and/or the accuracy of the film. I mean, do you expect CAIR to openly admit their involvement with radical Islam or hide behind false claims of innocence so they can further their efforts to destroy us?
Documents Prove Holder Lied: He Knew Same Day of Death of Border Patrol Agent Terry
…It will be interesting to see how many more members of the House will join the 103 current members who have either called for Holder’s resignation, firing or have signed the no confidence resolution. Hopefully, Issa and his committee will thoroughly rake Holder over the coals and the result will be a sufficient outcry from the rest of the House members to force Holder out of office and before a judge to hold him accountable for his lies and actions.
Are Lobbying, Rallying Voters, Organizing Protests, and Harnessing the Evangelical Movement UnChristian?
…If everybody had to be righteous before a law was passed, we could never pass a law and slavery might still be legal. The passage and enforcement of laws keep most unrighteous people from acting out their unrighteousness because they know that painful sanctions are meted out for law breakers… This is not to say that all immorality can be curtailed by passing laws or that there should be a law for every unrighteous deed. Even the Bible doesn’t go that far. Prohibition is an example of trying to remedy a lack of self-control through legislation. By biblical standards drunkenness is a sin, but there is no call in the Bible to legislate against drinking alcohol.
Who is Saul Alinsky and Why is Newt Saying Nasty Things About Him? … It was Alinsky who wrote, “Do one of three things. One, go find a wailing wall and feel sorry for yourselves. Two, go psycho and start bombing — but this will only swing people to the right. Three, learn a lesson. Go home, organize, build power and at the next convention, you be the delegates.”[1] Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are students of Alinsky’s methods. … The rest, as they say, is history.
A Taste Of Things To Come
…This was just a small skirmish in the quest for what some consider to be rightfully theirs. However, when things begin going badly, we need to consider how we will deal with the situation. We cannot operate a European welfare state, nor should we. However, we have seen the reaction to a delay of funds for just a few days. We cannot ignore this warning and need to be aware that even though we may be doing the right thing, there will be obstacles to overcome and we cannot loose resolve. As Christians, we need to look beyond the annoyances and the attacks on our country and speak the truth to them that the real source of our security, and the security of those seeking our money, is our Creator, not the folks inside the beltway.
Abortions are Safer than Having Children? Tell that to the Aborted Baby
… There are “lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Which one do you think the pro-abortion industry is using?
What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism
… God begins the Ten Commandments with "I am the Lord your God" and concludes with "Thou shalt not envy your neighbor, not for his wife, nor his house, nor for any of his holdings." Envy is corrosive to the individual and to those societies that embrace it. Nations that throw over capitalism for socialism have made an immoral choice.
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