[This is one of the best pieces showing how Obama has and intends to bury the will of the people with regulation rather than legislation! – JS]
From heritage.org
By the Administration’s own count, 219 major regulations are impending—meaning 219 efforts that EACH are estimated to cost the economy more than $100 million per year. But President Obama—responding to a letter from House Speaker John Boehner (R–OH)—has personally identified what could be called the “Big Seven” because each of them would impose annual burdens over $1 billion. Collectively, these seven surpass $100 billion per year. So let’s call them the “Maleficent Seven.”
Obama defended the Seven in his letter to Boehner, claiming that his Administration just finished an exhaustive review of unnecessary regulations and weeded out old ones that were costing $2 billion per year (which Obama tried to magnify by saying it was “$10 billion over five years”). But his team has already issued 75 major new regulations last year and this year, which are an annual $40 billion drag on the economy. So he’s already made things 20 times worse than his “improvements”—and that’s even before the Maleficent Seven kick in….
Until Congress fixes the entire regulatory system that enables a dictatorial executive branch, we’re at the mercy of more disasters in the form of job-killing regulations, especially from a President who doesn’t want to be bothered with congressional opposition. Meanwhile, Obama’s Maleficent Seven will continue to ride roughshod over our struggling economy.
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