What we dare not say: Killing the enemy brings victory. [In order to win a war, we must crush the will of the people. As this article aptly points out, to do so means killing their men at arms. Win the war first. Then “nation-build” if we must.– JS]
[FLASH! For quite some time I have had a increasingly queasy feeling as I watched Fox News. Now I know why: COURSE CORRECTION: Roger Ailes Is Taking Fox News To The Center- JS]
”Is it my imagination, or has the liberal wing of the media's attacks on conservatives turned into a bunch of cheap gotchas involving nitpicked analogies and quotes taken out of context? Perhaps it has always been this way and I never noticed until this year. Or maybe I'm spending too much time reading The Huffington Post. Maybe you can help me sort this out.” Dilbert creator Scott Adams [Always knew I liked this guy? – JS]
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are pressing President Obama not to pass the free trade agreements he has sat on for nearly three years.

Just 22% Support Government-Assisted Mortgage Payments: A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults think if someone can’t afford to make increased mortgage payments, they should sell their home and find a less expensive one. Twenty-two percent (22%) feel the government should assist them in making their payments, while another 13% are not sure. [What astounds me is that the 65% isn’t higher. – JS]
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