During the entire process of the debt ceiling battle, many politicians, and pundits repeated similar nonsense about democracy working better through compromise. Yet often compromise is the bane of our political system and a major hindrance to our ability to enact good public policy.
After many years of elevating compromise as the highest ideal that all politicians should aspire to, it's time to come to terms with the error of our ways – we are praising a false god…
Nevertheless, the larger point is that we can’t compromise with individuals who don’t dwell in the state if reality. It's time to realize that the Keynesian notions of Krugman, Reich, and other liberals are supported by the twin pillars of lunacy and imbecility.
Compromise was not a solution. The GOP should have continued to fight back – moving past the arbitrary August 2 deadline. Instead, we’re stuck with a deal that maintains our status as the next Greece.
I think Hayek was wrong. Maybe we're not traveling on the road to serfdom. Perhaps we took a wrong turn and ventured onto the road to hell. But at least we are well prepared with plenty of compromise.

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