Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's 'Crazy' to Ignore Shariah

By Frank Gaffney at
As the nation mourns the loss in combat of thirty of its military heroes - including 22 members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team 6 - in Afghanistan over the weekend, the question inevitably occurs: What are we fighting for that justifies this latest among so much sacrifice in that distant, backwards and inhospitable land?
Sen. John McCain suggested on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday that the answer, in part, is to prevent the Taliban from taking over the country again - at horrific cost to the people and, in particular, the women of Afghanistan. That would be a more credible goal if we were not simultaneously negotiating what amounts to the surrender of the country to Taliban representatives.
A more compelling justification would be if we were fighting to prevent the success of those who, like the Taliban, adhere to the politico-military-legal doctrine they call shariah. According to that doctrine, the entire world - not just Afghanistan - must submit to divine dictates as recounted by Mohammed and refined, interpreted and applied for over 1400 years by Muslim rulers (caliphs), scholars, institutions and jihadists. It is the particular mission of the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots, notably al Qaeda, to accomplish this objective and establish a new, global caliphate to rule in accordance with shariah.
[Ask a kind, gentle, “centrist” muslim to renounce shariah law and adhere to US law and see what kind of answer you get. You most likely won’t. You’ll get some squirming and denials that, contrary to their doctrine, it applies to all, to the entire world! Don’t buy that! – JS]
Please read it all here …


  1. "Centrist" Muslims? You obviously believe 99 percent of Muslims are "terrorists." In fact, it's likely less than 1,000 of them who are potential terrorists. American Muslims have accepted U.S. law since most of them have been American CITIZENS by birth!

    Under your argument, I, as a Roman Catholic, must be questioned because of the actions of a few fundamental Christians. Read the Bible: there are offenses that "require" severe punishment.

  2. You need to read the Koran and then do what I said! Go ask that 99% of Muslims you are talking about to renounce Shariah law and see what happens! I would also suggest that you might want to read up on the new versus old covenants in the bible.
