Monday, August 22, 2011

Faustian Bargains Between Obama and Businesses


… Obama has no first-hand experience with business or with job creation. To compensate, Obama has surrounded himself with a group of suck-ups, crony capitalists that offer advice even they know is flawed, folks more interested in protecting their interests or expanding a narrow economic gain.

Unfortunately, many companies have learned that it is far easier to have Washington liberals and Team Obama enact policies that will tilt the playing field in their direction, freeze out their competitors, and guarantee returns, rather than be forced to compete in the free and open market with better ideas, better services and better products.

These companies, and there are many, have figured out that government regulations can be jiggered behind the scenes to give them advantages that other companies, especially smaller companies, cannot possibly enjoy.

Obama's crony capitalists have also learned the art of hijacking the Justice Department to wage war on a competitor, to tangle them in regulatory knots and bogus lawsuits, to rob competitors of a business' two most valuable resources-time and money.

Crony capitalists are nothing new, but during the Obama Administration they are entering their golden age of prosperity. Sadly, time spent on jiggering the system to their advantage in the short term is time taken away from jiggering their products to be more competitive in the long term…

Americans can only hope that companies across the nation might now rethink the dangerous and damaging deals and special arrangements they have made with the Obama Administration. There is always a high cost to these Faustian bargains. No matter how Dems may try to sugar coat it, Obama is anti-business. And, with time, companies are going to pay dearly for the false bargains struck with Team Obama in backroom deals

[Unfortunately, these crony capitalists won’t pay for their false bargains. They will be long gone with their golden parachutes, with greed rewarded by the American public’s oblivion. We’ll be paying, not the fatcats! – JS]

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