HALL of SHAME: The Gibson Guitar company was raided for the second time in two years by 20 heavily armed Homeland Security and Fish and Wildlife Agents under the direction of the Obama Justice Department. What specifically were the agents looking for that required such violent force? Legal wood imported from India that is used to build and manufacture the American made guitars. The Justice Department wants Gibson Guitar owners to carry paper work proving that the wood used on their guitar is legal. Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz has said publically his company has done nothing wrong and will fight in court for its innocence. There is a also a possibility Gibson is being unfairly targeted for political donations made by the company to republicans rather than democrats.

Justice Dept. Keeping Islamic Bank Settlement Secret: The most transparent administration in history? Why are the details about a tax fraud settlement case with an Islamic bank tied to terrorist groups being hidden from the public?The Justice Department has agreed to end its investigation into an international financial network with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and a Saudi prince in a settlement in excess of $30 million, sources tell the Investigative Project on Terrorism. But DOJ officials refuse to release a copy of the settlement or make any comment on it.
Who Are the Real Religious Bigots? The reality is that throughout our history, the halls of American government have teemed with Bible-believing Christians, and they've never pushed for theocracy. Ironically, it is leftists who are far likelier to use the power of government to selectively suppress political and religious liberties. They are the ones behind the Fairness Doctrine, network neutrality rules, campus speech codes and preventing certain ideas from being presented, alongside all others, in public classrooms. Once again, our leftist friends are projecting. They are the ones showing their religious bigotry and proselytizing us to adopt their secularist worldview.

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