Friday, July 1, 2011

Conservative on Target! Liar, Independence, Military, Muslim Brotherhood

imageClinton: U.S. 'would welcome' dialogue with Muslim Brotherhood: "We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to nonviolence, that intend to compete for the parliament and the presidency," she told reporters in Budapest, Hungary. "And we welcome, therefore, dialogue with those Muslim Brotherhood members who wish to talk with us." [ Save us from the abyss that the useful idiots of the left will cause! They still think that dialogue will cause ideologues to get all warm and fuzzy! - JS ]

Related Post: Muslim Brotherhood Giddy At Prospect of Clinton Pledge to “Remove Any Misunderstandings and Bridge Gaps”

Hawkishness and neoconservatism are not the same thing: “There is not a place on this planet where I would oppose the use of American power to defend American lives. I’m confident that most conservatives and most Republicans feel the same way. We believe in maintaining American military dominance and using it in furtherance of vital American interests. We are not the Ron Paul legions. What we don’t support is pretending that our enemies are our friends. We don’t support using our military to conduct experiments in Islamic nation-building that are unlikely to succeed and will not, in any event, make us safer from jihadists — who are expert at using the freedoms available in truly democratic societies in order to conduct their war against America and the West.” - Andrew McCarthy

Hall of Shame > Despite Congressional Ban, Obama’s HUD Is Still Funneling Tax Dollars To ACORN: Why is the Obama administration defying federal law by funding ACORN? Judicial Watch discovered that the president is flouting the will of Congress by surreptitiously giving federal taxpayer money to ACORN, his former employer and legal client. This is the first such grant to surface this year but more are certain to follow.


Hall of Shame > Obama Administration Is Lying About Our Role In Libya: Air Force and Navy aircraft are still flying hundreds of strike missions over Libya despite the Obama administration’s claim that American forces are playing only a limited support role in the NATO operation.

Watershed Moment: A New Declaration of Dependence: So as we mark this solemn occasion, let us seek a rebirth of true liberty, which is possible only when governed by divine law. For, without God, we can never have "liberty and justice for all."


Obama’s ‘Pants on Fire’: …the President made the following proclamation in a desperate attempt to recast himself as a deregulator. Oh, if only it were true. took a look at the President’s brazen claim and came to the conclusion that it just isn’t true, burning up its “Pants on Fire Truth-O-Meter.”

“The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.” - P. J. O'Rourke

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