Monday, August 16, 2010

“An Unclarification”, “Common Ground” and “Rauf, Rauf” - Cartoons

This is the first time I have posted all 3 cartoons on the same subject. Why? I think Obama has met his Waterloo on this issue. Even Democrats are begging that this issue have a short life. It is virtually impossible for anyone to side with him, as he self-destructs and takes his party with him. I just hope we don’t get drowned in the tsunami washing him away. The only good thing for Obama is that he’s got our eyes off the major issue – jobs!

from hopenchangecartoons:
  At Barack Hussein Obama's festive Ramadan dinner in the Whitehouse, he clearly threw his support behind the building of the "Ground Zero mosque," getting applause from his Muslim guests. His exact words:
  "Let me be clear. As a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan."
  For once the president was clear...and it didn't play well with the American public, who consider the construction of such a mosque to be legal, but an insult, a sacrilege, and an act of provocation by those in whose name the 9/11 attacks were committed.
  So now the president is attempting to change his vote to a noncommittal "present" on the issue and has taken a few minutes out of his family vacation to issue an unclarification of his previous stand: “I was not commenting and I will not comment on the wisdom of making a decision to put a mosque there.”
  So he wants us to believe that he was actually using the occasion of Ramadan to tell a roomful of applauding Muslims that they're being stupid?
  Barack Hussein Obama has a long history of trying to appear to be on both sides of every issue. But when it comes to 9/11 and Ground Zero, the sides are very clearly delineated: right or wrong. For us, or against us.
  And his refusal to clearly state that he stands with the American people tells us which side he's on.



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