Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It May Not Be Easy

By Max Lucado


“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and sat down again.”  John 13:12

Please note, he finished washing their feet.

 That means he left no one out . . . He washed the feet of Judas. Jesus washed the feet of his betrayer. He gave this traitor equal attention. In just a few hours Judas’ feet would guide the Roman guard to Jesus. But at this moment they are caressed by Christ . . .

That’s not to say it was easy . . . That is to say that God will never call you to do what he hasn’t already done.

1 comment:

  1. wow! that was awesome. And I don't like Max Lucado, but this hit me with a ton of bricks- very convicting!
