Thursday, April 8, 2010

The World in a WSJ Nutshell? – 4/8/10

I am trying something here today which I may make a regular feature. The Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Pages are one of my best sources of the day for insightful and cogent input. It’s almost enough to just read the titles and bullets. Where I make comment, it’s in italics. As I this helps this blog do what it is intended to do – keep you informed with a minimum of time. Please leave me a comment below as to whether this is worth my time.

Joblessness: The Kids Are Not Alright: Will the U.S. accept youth unemployment levels like Europe's? No way! The under-25 rates range as far up as 44.5%. Ours are bad enough at 20%.

Dorothy Rabinowitz: What's Not Happening to American Muslims: To hear Hollywood and the media tell it, American Muslims were the ultimate victims of 9/11. What nonsense. Correct! They are not getting beat up or massacred as some Muslims know would have happened at home.

Rove: Obama Has Overpromised and Underdelivered: But the GOP will still have to make the case for itself this fall. You betcha! They shouldn’t be perceived as rooting for failure, as being the party of status-quo on health care, or as thinking that stimulus hastened recovery rather than delayed it.

Dreams of Disarmament: As rogues seek a bomb, the U.S. and Russia renew a Cold War treaty. And I ask where has disarmament ever peacefully worked to force the disarmament of those who don’t want to?

Volcker on the VAT: The middle class is where the money is. In effect, this will let BHO control the whole economy because it will take a massive corruptocracy to pick those who will be favored by lower or no rates and raise rates. He will be dictating what your product costs! We are going to have to learn to spend less!

In Praise of Illinois: Democrats take baby steps on pension reform. This is an overstatement!

Keith B. Payne: Evaluating the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Deal: The White House and Kremlin can't seem to agree what's in it, but it appears to restrict U.S. missile defense efforts and has no limits on Russia's tactical nukes. Once again, BHO is presenting something far differently than it is. It’s also part of his effort to appear to be a centrist!


See all of today's editorials and op-eds, video interviews and commentary on Opinion Journal.

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