..President Obama is going to use this common sense law to push his version of immigration reform that won't do anything to stop the flood of illegals from crossing the border and will probably act as a catalyst for increased illegal immigration.
But it is interesting to note that a state law that only asks that existing law be enforced and followed is so violently opposed by the open borders crowd. Once again we have the spectacle of people demanding that the law of the land not be enforced, that we shouldn't be serious about illegal immigration.
Arizonians took care of that notion.
Pennsylvania's Tea Party: Brewing for Years > And providing the margin of victory!
..Mr. Specter faces not only Mr. Toomey but also Rep. Joe Sestak, who is challenging the senator in next month's Democratic primary. Over the past several months, there have been several barbs traded among these men. But there is one thing they all agree on: The tea party movement is a serious political force. Mr. Specter points to his willingness to personally face tea party questioners as proof that he has the toughness to win a general election fight. Mr. Sestak, in a recent debate with Mr. Toomey, went out of his way to say the tea party movement deserves respect. And Mr. Toomey has called the movement a "check on the otherwise unchecked and unlimited power of one party."
All three men, it seems, have come to understand that the tea parties are a mainstream political phenomenon capable of providing the margin of victory in close elections. [And VA, and MA and NJ and FL and more coming ... - JS ]
The Silent Killer: Obama's VAT Proposal
When conservatives like Neal Boortz proposed the "fair tax" (a levy on consumption, not on income), we should have known that the Barack Obama left would seize on the proposal not as Boortz intended it to be -- a replacement for the income tax -- but as an addition to it. Now Obama has let it be known that the value-added tax, or VAT, is "on the table" as he casts about for taxes to lock in his gigantic levels of federal spending.
At stake, of course, is our free-market system. When Obama took office, federal, state and local spending accounted for 30 percent of gross domestic product. Now it is up to 35 percent, and when health care is fully implemented, it will rise to above 40 percent. But taxes are still below 30 percent. The difference is the deficit, now grown to 10 percent of our GDP.
If our government is to continue spending 40 percent of our GDP, we will morph into the European model of a socialist democracy. But if we can roll the spending back to 30 percent, while holding taxes level, we will retain our free market system.
In 2011, we will have three choices:
-- Raise taxes up to 40 percent.
-- Cut spending down to 30 percent.
-- Or half and half
Now Obama proposes the ultimate step to convert us into a European nation: the VAT.
[ I spent the last 20 years selling yachts, many of them to Europeans who simply bought and kept their yachts in jurisdictions where the VAT didn't exist - like the USA and the Caribbean. So a poorly conceived tax just keeps hitting those who can't afford to play away from their VAT hells! And the USA will lose jobs because we won't be building, fixing and docking as many! (BTW - many bribed and loop-holed their boats back into VAT jurisdictions without paying the VAT.) This doesn't mean I oppose VAT or variations of flat taxes. It simple means I want more jobs and less taxation. - JS ]
BHO's Amused, "laughing at the powerless fools and peasants who dare to question his messianic authority"
With casual derision, President Obama recently dismissed the people in the tea party movement and their little rallies as “amusing.”
It’s a shame we can’t find him amusing.
Everybody needs to remember this coming November, and again in 2012, that Obama and his cronies are sitting around the castle they think of as theirs, laughing at the powerless fools and peasants who dare to question his messianic authority...
Obama’s amusing himself creating new taxes and tax. You could fill a lot of pages with them. More than 2,000 pages. And we are not amused.
Miami Herald defames SIOA, distorts story about religious liberty bus ads - Jihad Watch -Once again Kaleem mentions nothing about what CAIR really is -- its Hamas links, etc. -- and allows Malik to defame us without bothering to ask us for a reaction or response. Malik, you may recall, lied about Islamic apostasy law in an earlier Kaleem story. Pamela Geller's take on this egregious article is here.
Blacks, the Media & the Tea Parties « LLoyd Marcus: Socialism is not the Answer -
The liberal mainstream media and democrats are attempting to racially divide and conquer our country. They are evil. As long as God gives me strength I will continue to defend my fellow patriots who are white and fight to take back America.
SHAME! VOTER FRAUD AGENDA - Community Organizers again trying to weaken ID laws: Nobody opposes legitimate efforts to increase voter participation - as long as reasonable safeguards are in place that assure the integrity of the ballot. This is obviously not the intent of the Democrats pushing these bills and they should be resisted as an effort to game the electoral system and gain an unfair, illegal advantage over the GOP.
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