Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cartoon Corner - 4/27/10

from cagle.com [ Sure looks like Fannie/Mac is going to need about $400,000,000,000 (that’s $400B) of our tax money – JS ]

from hopenchangecartoons: The White To Remain Silent
  As mid-term elections approach, Barack Hussein Obama has announced his plans for "Vote 2010," and his cynical desire to "reconnect with young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women."
  We assume that he'd have to "reconnect" because these are the people who (foolishly) believed in him last time, and who - according to polls - have grown increasingly disillusioned by his actual job performance.
  But putting that aside, why wouldn't the president want to appeal to all Americans...or even refer to us as "Americans" instead of continually breaking us into competing ethnic and demographic factions?
  Sadly, the answer is the same as it was in 2008. The "post-racial" politics of Barack Obama have always been, and always will be, based on race and the inciting of racial discord in America...not for the purpose of ending racism, but rather to use hatred and resentment to fuel the engines that are pushing the country into socialism.
  In this, at least, the president is fully "transparent."

from townhall.com [ Is BHO really, really trying to keep private enterprise from creating jobs so he can simply create more entitlement bureaucracies? – JS ]

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