Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Responding to Obamacare: Restore, Defeat, Defund, Repeal

In today’s column, Dick Morris eloquently calls for the following easily-understood campaign to defeat Obamacare:

1.Restore the Medicare cuts mandated in this bill…

2. Defeat the Democrats in the 2010 election! …

3. Defund. Once we get the majority in both chambers, defund appropriations for the Obamacare program…

4. Repeal. And, once we defeat Barack Obama, we need to proceed to repeal this disastrous plan before it can ruin our health care system.

Dick concludes:

The Democratic victory on Obamacare will prove the most expensive in the party's history. It will lead to the eradication of their majority, the defeat of more than 50 of their congressmen, the switch of Senate control and Republican domination for decades. And, in the end, it will have done nothing to improve health care. But, fortunately, we can win the 2010 election to stop it from doing much damage.

Please read the whole column!



  1. I'm Canadian....which healthcare system? The one where no one but the rich get healthcare? Really? Barbaric

  2. Once again...I'm Canadian...Which Healthcare system...the one where the Insurance companies run the show instead of the people, the one where doctors can only dispense the care that is approved by the Insurance companies? The system where you are chosen to be insured only if you fit the Insurance companie's criteria? Come on...that's not healthcare, that's Insurance Care and profit.

  3. Yah! Your nonsense could only come from a Canadian progressive whose leaders need to cross the border to the US to get decent medical care! Remember that?
