Monday, March 22, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/22/10

YES!!! Why it's different now > We can fight back now, not over a decade later after entrenchment:
  Social Security: Passed in 1935. Republicans take House and Senate in 1947, 12 years later.
  Medicare and Medicaid: Passed in 1965. Republicans take Senate in 1981, 16 years later.
  ObamaCare: Passed in 2010. Republicans take House in 2011, one year (9 months, actually) later?

GOP > You need to face this issue now!  > Why Republicans won't really try to repeal ObamaCare:
Republicans will run this fall on a promise to repeal this deeply unpopular bill, and will likely reap the political advantages of that promise. But in reality there is little chance of their following through. Even if Republicans were to take both houses of Congress, they would still face a presidential veto and a Democratic filibuster.
  But more important, once an entitlement is in place, it becomes virtually impossible to take away. The fact that Republicans have been criticizing Obamacare for cutting Medicare shows that they are not really willing to take the heat for cutting people's benefits once they have them — no matter how unaffordable those benefits are. Paul Ryan put forth a serious plan for entitlement reform — and attracted just six co-sponsors at last count. Enough said. Read more…

APPEASEMENT Watch: Obama, Israel, and Iran - BHO's inexplicable double standard applied to Israel alone:

What next? A permanent bank bailout. How fast can you read 1,336 pages?  At 1,336 pages, the Dodd financial services regulation bill proposal, which the Senate Banking Committee will begin to consider today, includes language that could create a permanent bank bailout. It is also filled with other significant issues, any one of which could cause serious damage to the economy or consumers by allowing bureaucrats to micromanage financial services firms and require than to meet political priorities. Unfortunately, Sen. Dodd says that he wants the Senate Banking Committee to rush through the bill this week and then to send it to the Senate floor for equally swift passage. This is completely the wrong approach to this issue.
Read more…

"The great masses of the people ... will more easily fall victims
to a big lie [ObamaCare] than to a small one." Adolf Hitler

Even Al Sharpton Says American People Voted for Socialism When They Elected President

HealthCare Fight Shifts From Cong to Courts - I hope our judges have more courage than our politicians!


Expect to see TEMPORARY jump in Obama polling approval

Inside the Pelosi Sausage Factory - Stooge-pak sold his soul for a toothless executive order. Never before has the average American been treated to such a live-action view of the sordid politics necessary to push a deeply flawed bill to completion. It was dirty deals, open threats, broken promises and disregard for democracy that pulled ObamaCare to this point, and yesterday the same machinations pushed it across the finish line.

You break it, you own it: Democrats Must Take Responsibility for What Comes Next in scary ObamaCare!
  …This week's votes don't end our health-care debates. By making medical care a subsidiary of Washington, they guarantee such debates will never end. And by ramming the vote through Congress on a narrow partisan majority, and against so much popular opposition, Democrats have taken responsibility for what comes next—to insurance premiums, government spending, doctor shortages and the quality of care. They are now the rulers of American medicine.
  …We also can't mark this day without noting that it couldn't have happened without the complicity of America's biggest health-care lobbies, including Big Pharma, the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the Federation of American Hospitals, the Business Roundtable and such individual companies as Wal-Mart. They hope to get more customers, or to reduce their own costs, but in the end they have merely made themselves more vulnerable to the gilded clutches of the political class…
You should read this whole post!

A New Fight: Lt. Col. Allen West Pursues a House Seat

"In war: Resolution. In defeat: Defiance." Winston Churchill

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