Saturday, February 20, 2010

Quick Quips – 2/20/10

Obama Caught in a Major ACORN Lie!

23% Strongly Approve of the way that BHO is performing as President > lowest level yet recorded

Yet another BHO euphemism: Now it's "jobs funded" not "jobs created." [Is anyone actually listening to our Buffoon-In-Chief any longer? - JS]

The Wisdom of Conservatism - spontaneous and voluntary collaboration of individuals. [This is long but a must-read .. a great defense! – JS]

AMBUSH Watch! To the ObamaCare Barricades - The 'public option' makes a comeback. This new political strategy might fire up the dispirited liberal base—and allow the White House to cast the GOP as obstructionist going into the health summit next week. It really does seem as if the Democrats are gearing up for Pickett's reconciliation charge. What was that again about "the best ideas from both parties"

Allen West: “There’s no such thing as a war on terror….A nation goes to war against an ideology.." [Islam]

INCREDIBLE! Start watching for illegal alien supporters to advocate a new right - the right to migrate!

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