Saturday, January 9, 2010

Quick Quips – 1/9/10

Brit Hume, Tiger Woods and Buddha by Bill O'Reilly at My colleague Brit Hume has aroused the ire of some secularists, as well as some Buddhists, by advising Tiger Woods to seek redemption through Christianity in place of his mother's religion, Buddhism….Hume has a perfect right to espouse what he believes is a healing tonic. The forgiveness Christianity offers has helped millions of human beings throughout history. The world would be a better place if every person on earth understood the basic philosophy of Jesus. Hume was simply exercising his free speech rights, and the fact that he is paid well to do so speaks to his intellect and insight.
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Message to BHO: An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. ~ Winston Churchill

De-Stimulate To Get Back to Work by Larry Kudlow at After the arrival of a disappointing December jobs report, my thought on putting America back to work is simple: de-stimulate. That’s right. Get rid of the Obama stimulus monster, including the government takeover of health care, cap-and-trade, and all this nonsensical talk of creating green jobs. Get rid of the increase in marginal personal tax rates and capital-gains tax rates. Get rid of the payroll tax hike from the health-care talks. Get rid of the spending that is a counterweight to growth. Get rid of it, every part of it. It’s creating so much uncertainty that even profitable businesses are afraid to hire new workers and expand… There’s a populist wave coming, but it’s from the right, not the left. Free-market populism emanating from the tea-party movement wants government out of our businesses and out of our pockets. These folks are right. Read more…

The Long Jobs Wait - Policy uncertainty hurts hiring at the WSJ: With so much policy uncertainty out of Washington and the state capitals, no one can be sure what they will pay for energy (rising oil prices, cap and trade) or new regulation (antitrust), how high their taxes will rise, and how much each new employee will cost (health care). In this kind of world, employers will wait as long as possible to add new workers… With trillions of monetary stimulus in the pipeline, the economy will grow and employment will rise in 2010. The sooner Congress stops doing damage, the faster that will be.

1 comment:

  1. Tea Party people are upset with 10 to 17% unemployment. How do we reverse this condition? Most jobs are found in smaller business ventures, not industries traded on the stock exchange. Smaller businesses must be created en masse, as not all survive, assuming the environment is friendly to them. Today, government turns the environment unfriendly to entrepreneurial ventures, as taxation, regulations and bureaucratic discouragement runs rampant. Economic growth happened in America, as described in SAVE PEBBLE DROPPERS & PROSPERITY, seen on America has drifted into a way of life discouraging private innovation and creativity as politically incorrect, and this must change.
