Saturday, January 2, 2010

Consequences: Unintended or Not?

All three of the following postings occur today in the Review and Outlook section of The Wall Street Journal. All three may illustrate the Law of Unintended Consequences, showing how the actions of our politicians have resulted in outcomes far different than intended, outcomes that are potentially disastrous. Please read these and come to your own conclusions on where we are headed!

States and the Stimulus - How a supposed boon has become a fiscal burden.

Mandatory Usury in One Lesson - How Congress dictated a 79.9% interest rate.

ObamaCare on Drugs - A tax increase that will cause many seniors to lose private benefits.

I question whether the consequences are, in fact, unintended or actually intended as part of some deeper and very threatening agenda, an agenda more like the Cloward-Pivens Strategy. Why does this administration keep rushing us headlong into what can only be disaster?

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