"With the onslaught of media, technology, and the other noises and distractions created by mankind, our children might be missing the obvious beauty created by God. And in so doing, they may miss God himself.
The lights of the city often mask the brilliance of the stars; the sounds of the street seem to drown out the song of the birds. Yet, the powerful, undeniable forces of nature upon which we rely for our very survival envelope us at all times. From the air we breathe to the brightness of the sun, nature testifies of an intelligence beyond our own....
....Observing the amazing creation that surrounds you is perhaps the easiest way to show your children the evidence of a loving God....
....Teaching your children to look for Him throughout the day in the whisper of the wind, the blaze of the sun and the glow of the moon is a simple, yet powerful way to build their faith....
....As a final step, make time to go through the Bible and work with them to write down verses that describe creation.
Read more at TownHall.com
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