Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Prayer Shawl

by Reverend Brian Doyle at The First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale

On Jan. 26th, 2009 my grandson, Parker, had his 5th surgery in 2 years at Boston Children’s Hospital.  The surgeries encompassed the removal of most of his scalp on the back of his head and the implanting of two “expanders”, silicon balloons, to stretch his scalp for reconstruction. 

A sweet believer of our church, First Baptist Church of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Elizabeth Covello, gave Grammy, Connie my wife, a prayer shawl to give to our son Kirk.  Connie gave the prayer shawl to Kirk and Amy, Parker’s parents, when Parker went into the operating room.  Kirk looked at the prayer shawl, read all the reasons for the prayer shawl, prayed, and then got up and headed out of the waiting room.  Connie asked where he was going and he said to the operating room to give Parker the shawl.  Obviously, Connie told him that the doctor would not allow him to go in and compromise the OR.  Kirk went anyway.  The doctor and nurse in charge allowed Kirk to give them the shawl and they placed it with Parker.

The surgery was a success.  The surgeon came out to the waiting room to give the news to Kirk, Amy, and Connie.  He said that he did not know that Doyle was a Jewish name and that they were Jewish.  Connie spoke up and said of course they were, that they had been grafted in and that their Savior, Jesus Christ was Jewish.

The Lord Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, gave Elizabeth Covello the thought of giving a prayer shawl for Parker.  Because of her obedience The Lord Jesus was glorified and a strong witness to Him was given to a Jewish surgeon.  Our Lord desires for us to glorify Him at all times.  The gift of a prayer shawl shows to an unbelieving world, the confidence of prayer, the faith of knowing that Jesus hears, and the power of healing through our Lord Jesus.  Salvation!!!!!  Jesus is the Life, the Truth, and the Way. 

Praise Him and thank you Elizabeth Covello.  Thank you my son, Kirk for hearing the Holy Spirit and being obedient even when man’s rules say you shouldn’t.

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