Friday, September 17, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 9/17/10

Second Amendment: Gun Sales Up, Crime Down:
  In what may seem a paradox to leftists, violent crime continued to fall in 2009 as gun sales reached an all-time high. The FBI released its annual violent crime statistics Tuesday, revealing that such crimes had decreased by 5.3 percent in 2009, while murders and manslaughters -- the types of crime most likely to be committed using a firearm -- fell 7.3 percent. According to the FBI's National Instant Background Check System, 14 million guns were purchased in 2009.
"What the data tell us is exactly the opposite of what the gun-ban lobby has predicted for several years," said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. "Their dire predictions that America's streets would run red have been shown up as a fraudulent sales pitch for public disarmament." Facts may be stubborn things, but the Left is perhaps even more stubborn.

YES!! Conservative America Ready to Take Control: These conservatives are an overwhelming majority of America. In responding to Question D3 of the latest Battleground Poll, which asks respondents to describe themselves ideologically, these are the responses:  "very conservative," 22%; "somewhat conservative," 36%; "moderate," 6%; "somewhat liberal," 24%; "very liberal," 8%; and "refused/unknown," 4%.   Fifty-eight percent of Americans describe themselves as "conservative," and when those who are "moderate" or "refused/unknown" are removed from the pool, conservatives outnumber liberals by 64% to 36%. Moreover, conservatives are much more likely to describe themselves as "very conservative" than liberals are to describe themselves as "very liberal."

What Is ‘Shariah’? The United States is under attack by foes who are openly animated by what is known in Islam as shariah, or Islamic law. According to shariah, every faithful Muslim is obligated to wage jihad – whether violent or not – against those who do not adhere to this comprehensive, totalitarian, political-military code.  A team of experts coordinated by the Center for Security Policy has recently produced a ground-breaking report, Shariah: The Threat to America, describing in detail precisely what shariah is and what it means for all of us. Be sure to read more here…

DHIMMI Watch! Burning the Constitution with the Koran further reinforces the thrust of the above quip. Be sure to read it, particularly if you don’t know what it means. (Hint – It’s Islamic for wimp!)

Wealth and Poverty - How's that inequality thing working out?
  If there is a single unifying principle behind the Democratic agenda of the last two years, it is this: Reduce income inequality. So yesterday's annual Census Bureau review of American incomes is a kind of progress report on how this agenda is working out. In a word, our wealth isn't spread any more equitably, though more of us are poor…
  More important, this preoccupation with inequality is actively harmful because it leads to economic policies that inhibit growth. That's the real warning in the new Census data. Democrats are succeeding in their goal of punishing business and the wealthy, but to the extent that this has produced anemic growth it is also punishing the poor and middle class.
  The moral claim of Obamanomics is that it ensures that everyone pays his "fair share," but its early returns show this agenda is producing more poverty. In their obsession with income shares and how many people have how much wealth, the Obama Democrats are imposing policies that ensure only that there will be less wealth for everyone to spread around.
Read more…

"The people of the U.S. owe their Independence & their liberty, to the wisdom of descrying in the minute tax of 3 pence on tea, the magnitude of the evil comprised in the precedent. Let them exert the same wisdom, in watching against every evil lurking under plausible disguises, and growing up from small beginnings." -- James Madison

“The very best and utmost of attainment in this life is to remain still and let God act and speak in thee.” Meister Eckhart

“The Christian has to live in the world, but he must draw all his resources from outside of the world.” ~ Donald Barnhouse

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