Friday, September 17, 2010

Secular, separation and subjugation doctrines threaten our freedoms!

By John Sykes

Our nation has forgotten that what was intended by our Founding Fathers was actually “Freedom for Religion”, not “Freedom from Religion”. The Founding Father’s feared the imposition of a sole religion by the State, subjugation. Less distinct then and far more obvious now, secular and separation doctrines are also being used not to prevent abuses of our right to worship but to deny that right.

In Sunrise, Sunset: Our Future is Only as Certain as Religious Freedom, Alan Sears at expands this thread:

Perhaps no element of that Constitution is more endangered than the First Amendment protections of religious liberty. That cornerstone of our nation’s freedom—the dream that brought the Pilgrims and so many of the other early settlers to our Atlantic shores—is now under direct, daily assault coast to coast.

From California courtrooms to the legislative halls of Massachusetts, our First Freedom is denounced as an impediment to those who would reinvent marriage into something it’s never been, and never can be. On university campuses, it’s all but outlawed as administrative officials segregate Christian students and their activities.

In public schools, religious freedom is ignored as educators work diligently to immerse our children in an aggressively secular world view. In hospitals and clinics and pharmacies across the country, it’s a freedom often denied to those whose religious faith prohibits their participation in abortion…

We must also realize that there are religions that would deny all other religions. Some would argue that those religions are not religions but ideologies. The distinction escapes me. Their danger does not. Those Muslims that are in fact wolves in religious clothing must also be closely watched, defended against, and, when they move to deny us our freedoms, including the freedom to worship, must be defeated. Subjugation to one religion was truly our Founding Father’s greatest fear.

Which of the doctrines is most pervasive is a dangerous question. All of those who promote them would deny or denigrate our God that they might take His place!

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