Friday, September 17, 2010

“Tea for Tuesday”, “Some Sort of Message” and “A Voice Pandering in the Wilderness” – Cartoons

from hopenchangecartoons:
  Following the recent round of primary elections, the mainstream news media is showing increasing signs of panic about the Tea Party movement.
  On the CBS Evening News, a petulant Katie Couric declared that the success of Tea Party-friendly candidates showed that "American voters are in one angry mood," even though the network's own poll showed that twice as many voters were "dissatisfied but not angry."
  Meanwhile, MSNBC's Chris Matthews has started comparing the Democrats' situation in Washington to that of the Titanic, saying "The boat is sinking. The establishment is sinking."
Matthews, who famously observed that the sound of Barack Obama's voice gave him "tingles," is now discovering that it also tingles when the oblivious captain and crew of your ship rams an iceberg at full speed, and you're plunged into freezing and unforgiving waters.
  Might we suggest a nice hot cup of tea?

from [ And we’re not going away after November. We are going to be America’s independent conscience! – JS ]


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