Monday, September 13, 2010

INCREDIBLE! Condescending to Mexico - The U.S. cuts funding for its neighbor to fight the drug cartels.

At The WSJ

imageAs Americans read about the massacres, beheadings, kidnappings and assassinations that have become commonplace in Mexico, they might reasonably conclude that its government could use all the help it can get in its war against the powerful drug cartels perpetrating these atrocities. The Obama Administration takes a different view.

The State Department recently announced that it would withhold $26 million in funding for the $1.6 billion "Mérida Initiative" until the Mexican government could make "additional progress" on its human rights record. The Administration wants the Mexican government to prosecute soldiers accused of human rights violations in civilian courts rather than military tribunals, and to expand the authority of its National Human Rights Commission. Not surprisingly, the Mexican government was not pleased.

imageIt's hard to fault the Mexicans for taking umbrage at this Obama nickel-and-dime. The country is paying a frightful price for fighting the criminal gangs that feed off America's drug habit. And while the Administration did allow the release of $36 million in previously scheduled funds, the U.S. had expended only $141 million of the allocated funds as of March 31, when the Government Accountability Office last examined the Initiative. By way of comparison, in 2009 the U.S. gave more money to Zambia and Mozambique. Does the U.S. have an interest in these countries comparable to our interest in a secure Mexico?

Please read it all…

[ I want to shout! I want to use all caps! What could possibly be Obama’s motivation for this truly bi-polar move? He’s already not delivered the troops to our border he said he would. He’s lightening up on illegal immigration which is a nice way to say he is committing an impeachable offense in not upholding US law. It’s like he is deliberately undermining the security of this country. Is this some addition to the other aspects of his seemingly Cloward-Pivenish strategy to bury us, maybe some one-world idiocy? Folks, I hate conspiracy theory because I usually think it’s wrong but what other possible conclusion is there? – JS ]

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