Monday, September 13, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 9/13/10


Lawfare Watch! The Constitution Trumps Islamic Law:
When reading stories about that formerly obscure Florida preacher behind the Quran burning controversy, bear in mind that the only law he would have broken in doing so would have been Islamic law. With this in mind, it should become clear that the extraordinary global campaign against this stunt is yet another concerted effort, aided by an army’s worth of useful fools, to bring our constitutional republic into conformance with Islamic law.
  Islam demands “respect” with an intensity and strategic purpose well beyond other beliefs. (Still) don’t believe me? For indelible culture contrast, imagine the worldwide body count in reaction to a hypothetical NEA-funded project entitled “Piss Mohammed,” or the absence of a worldwide body count in reaction to the Army’s actual decision to discard and burn a bunch of Bibles on a U.S. base in Afghanistan last year for fear of offending Muslims in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan — a land where Christian converts (Abdul Rahman) and promoters of (minimal) women’s rights (Sayed Pervez Kambakhsh) must flee with their lives, by the way.
  As we have witnessed in Cartoon Rage, Pope Rage, Commode Quran Rage, “Fitna” Rage, More Cartoon Rage, etc., “respecting” Islam in fact means exempting this religious-political ideology from “slander,” “defamation,” any mockery, criticism, analysis, resistance, denunciation, or rejection — or else. And we all know what “or else” means — or else murder and mayhem will convulse some region where Muslims live, leaving behind a permanent threat of death to non-repentant “offenders.” Read it all…

Meet Imane Boudlal, the Muslim Woman Battling Disney Over Hijab - Another "lawfare" example! 
  On August 19th, Boudlal decided to arrive at work in her hijab — along with an entourage of photographers, camera crews, and reporters to accompany her to the café. Disney claims it repeatedly tried to accommodate Ms. Boudlal by suggesting that she wear her hijab with a Disney character hat over it, work in a number of backstage roles until a permanent position could be established for her, or remove her hijab and continue her job in accordance with the dress standards she had accepted for the two years prior to drafting her letter.
  She would have none of that. Clearly, Ms. Boudlal is less interested in working and more interested in moving the ball forward on advancing the place of Islam in America. With this in mind, Ms. Boudlal represents another example engaging in the popular and growing activity of how non-violent Jihad operates—it’s a lot like playing a game of “chicken,” as the loser is the one who turns away first.
  Over the last several years, Americans have been extremely poor chicken players; we always flinch first when threatened with the politically incorrect label of bigotry, which occurs every time we try to defy this slow variety of Jihad. Here again, we have what appears to be a relatively appealing Muslim person who feigns cultural or religious insult in order to introduce some kind of Islamic privilege into a western nation. The phenomenon has become so prevalent that it has been given a name: “lawfare.” Read it all…

ALINSKY #13! Darth Boehner > Democrats want voters to fear the GOP leader more than their policies. The White House seems to think, or at least hope, that raising Mr. Boehner's profile in this way will arouse a dispirited Democratic base to vote in November. As our James Taranto points out, the strategy is consistent with Rule No. 13 in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," a favorite White House playbook: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Perhaps liberal voters will see Mr. Boehner's tan visage on TV, recoil in horror, and emerge from their academic and union halls to block the bourgeois barbarian from taking power. [ Obama is increasingly the perfect picture of a candidate, not a leader, casting about in desperation and inexperience because he has no anchors, moral or political! – JS ] Read more…

9/12 Reveals GOP Intensity for November Elections:
  The tea party has something in common with fine wine: it gets better with age. This year’s 9/12 rally came replete with the types of moveable signs that were clearly crafted with care and the types of activists who are quick on their feet with chants and chatter. It was all sponsored in large part by FreedomWorks, a non-profit organization that fights for limited government, and serves as a central force for a strictly volunteer tea-party army.
  “There is only one power on this earth big enough to destroy this country,” said FreedomWorks chairman and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, during the Capitol rally. “That is government. Our founding fathers knew that and feared that. That’s why they wrote the Constitution.”

"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude and perseverance. Let us remember that "if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom," it is a very serious consideration ... that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." -- Samuel Adams

“When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.”  - P. J. O'Rourke

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