Monday, September 13, 2010

"A Great Awakening"

By Terry Paulson

In a recent journey that connected two different times and two different continents, I’ve come to appreciate the impact that individuals can have when they struggle to find God’s will in their lives. One such individual was Martin Luther whose stand triggered the Reformation in 1517. The other was Glenn Beck whose recent Restoring Honor Rally touched hundreds of thousands in attendance and even more who were watching from afar. One took advantage of the printing press, the other the Internet and the media. Both took risks to take a stand for God, freedom and personal responsibility. …

Luther put the Bible in the hands of the average believer to let them experience a personal relationship with God. When, to Luther’s dismay, they turned their passion for freedom into attacks on others, Luther implored them to stop. Glenn Beck did the same. Instead of condoning hatred, he called for a change in heart. Since then, there have been numerous critical and supportive comments and commentary. But history will be the best judge of its true impact. But rest assured that his message rings true with our Founding Fathers’ understanding of the importance of faith in preserving freedom. …

imageWhen pundits commented on the political implications of Glenn Beck’s event, they talked about Republicans taking back Washington. Glenn said that was not the point. To Beck, such progress would be short-lived. What is needed is a new Great Awakening that will change the hearts of men and women. A new awakening that would renew a commitment to individual responsibility, Constitutional principles and God could once again focus our country on faith, hope and charity. History will tell whether that awakening occurs.

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