Monday, September 13, 2010

Random or perspicacious? – ( Hey, Bill Riley! I know some big words myself!)

By John Sykes

Well-meaning, or maybe I should say “maybe well-meaning” people espousing thoughts, opinions or tactics that can be almost instantly recognized as garbage seem to be our only remaining growth industry.

Government. Jeremy Wiesen, evidently too-long a professor of entrepreneurship, in The U.S. Needs Its Own Industrial Policy, advocates even deeper government involvement, like the Chinese, in the US’s industrial development. I wonder if Jeremy ever “entrepreneured” anything. The last thing we need is more government siphoning off more of the fruits of our hard work to take more control of our already too cronyistic corporations. I’m sure Jeremy can come up with another elitist study somewhere that supports him which leads to the next topic.

Economics and economists.  I loved the lead this morning in a WSJ article: Three in five economists surveyed…” Edgar Fielder quips “Ask five economists and you'll get five different answers - six if one went to Harvard.” So why bother with economics? John Kenneth Galbraith answers “Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.”
If we have to meddle in this field, then it’s pretty obvious that voting by us, the great “unwashed”, will be at least as accurate, we’ll only have ourselves to blame, and we’ll have added some economists to the labor pool if they are of any use at all. I’ll bet that the guy or girl that spends his days working to feed his family instinctively knows more about applied economics than Obama’s latest court jester, Austan Goolsbe.

Political Correctness. This one’s easy. If it’s politically correct, DON’T DO IT! Remember in November!

The Art of War. Always tell the enemy what you are going to do, particularly if you are indulging in a very expensive and dangerous hobby. He’ll respect you for your honesty and quit because you have been so open with him.

Tax Breaks. Always, but always, give us tax breaks, particularly near elections. Just make sure you raise taxes somewhere else first because, if you don’t do it first, someone might actually stop your tax, the economy might improve, and eventually We The People might actually be able to better our lot.

We’ve got so much ideological, elitist garbage piling up. Let’s have the government set a policy that has military leaders attack the problem by telling the economists that they are coming after them to have them stomp all the garbage into a politically-correct heap of you-know-what. This, of course, should only be attempted after raising the taxes on compost.

Sorry, Bill. I guess I made some of the big words up. At least Google thinks so. Some of them have those little, squiggly read lines under them.

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