Friday, April 23, 2010

Wall-Nut - 4/23/10

Rush Limbaugh: Liberals and the Violence Card - Conservative protest is motivated by a love of what America stands for. [ Liberals continue to try to demonize TEA Partiers with a charge of “tendency to violence” – JS ]
Strassel: The Real Republican Civil War -The struggle between Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist for the Florida Senate seat symbolizes the rift between the reformers and the establishment in the GOP. [ Read this post: Incredibly Stupid GOP Decree Dictates Who You Can Support! – JS ]  

The New Master of Wall Street - Obama surveys the financial kingdom that may soon be his. [ BHO’s “reform” is yet another power grab that won’t be very well resisted by Wall Street since 80% of the major leaders are Liberals. – JS ] 

Cash for Tanners - A new subsidy for hitting the beach. [ The EU thinks a vacation is a natural right. How long will it take BHO to follow along with another entitlement bribe? – JS ] 

Bullying for Boeing - 'Buy American' is bad defense policy. [ I’m not too sure about this. – JS ]  

Niall Ferguson and Ted Forstmann: Back to Basics on Financial Reform - The case for limiting leverage and regulating derivatives is overwhelming, but that doesn't require a new 1,300-page law. [ The Big University-Big Company axis speaks! Do we really need any more financial reform at all? – JS ] 
Two Cheers for General Motors - Yes, it's paid back $6 billion and is more efficient. It still owes taxpayers about $52 billion. [ Think we’ll ever see it? – JS ]
Bing West: The Meaning of the Korengal Retreat - Is a small setback in Afghanistan a sign of a larger failure to come? [ Shudder – sure reminds of Viet Nam. – JS ]

TV for Tots: Not What You Remember - Even the cartoon characters are stand-ins for adult socio-political obsessions. [ Why can’t we let our kids be kids? After all, they are going to be paying for our fiscal transgressions forever! – JS ]
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