Friday, April 23, 2010

Incredibly Stupid GOP Decree Dictates Who You Can Support!

Adam Smith at the St. Petersburg Times wrote this morning:
In a memo sent to party officials Thursday, the state party's general counsel decreed that because party officials -- from local precinct captains to national committee members to legislators -- signed an oath to support Republicans, they would be obligated to oppose Crist's unaffiliated campaign and ask for any donations to be refunded.

``Any member who fails to formally revoke his or her public support and request the return of any contributions made to a candidate running against the candidate of the Republican Party would be in violation of the RPOF Rules and would be subject to removal from party office and membership on Republican executive committees,'' said the memo from Jason Gonzalez, who used to be the general counsel of Crist and ousted chairman Jim Greer.
``How dare anyone at the state party tell us who we can and cannot support,'' said state Sen. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, a staunch Crist supporter. ``This is a dangerous message the party establishment is sending to Florida voters. It's because of this type of bullying and threatening tactics that encouraged so many Floridians to distance themselves from the two parties. I was walking precincts and making phone calls as a volunteer for Republican candidates when leaders of today's GOP establishment were registered Democrats.'
If you had told me that my once-party, the GOP, could top their incredible cronyism and credit card shenanigans, I would have told you that you were nuts. Well, they just have with their incredible decree telling party members who they can and cannot support. I don't think they could have done anything that would more significantly cause a major surge of defections to the Independent ranks.

How long will we let cronyistic, self-serving, predatory, bumbling oafs dictate the future of America?

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