Friday, April 23, 2010

Quick Quips - 4/23/10

A Rising Nanny State by Michael Gerson:
  Following the passage of Democratic healthcare reform legislation, President Obama assured the country that it was a ``middle-of-the-road, centrist approach'' instead of an intrusive, government power grab. But the government seems incapable of resisting the nannying impulse that undermines this claim.
  So health reform includes a 10-percent tax on the use of indoor tanning beds. (Someone needs to stop this slow-motion Chernobyl.) The law also requires fast food restaurants to post their calorie counts at the drive-through window, lest anyone be under the impression that a Big Mac is health food. Read more...

The VAT's in the Fire - BHO said it is "on the table". [ I Must have read his lips wrong! - JS ]
Yesterday, the President said that the Value Added Tax is “on the table.” That means it will be the main course served up after the November elections. After ramming through his ObamaCare bill on the narrowest of partisan margins last month, the President is finding that it’s going to be impossible to deliver on that massive new entitlement without hefty additional taxes. That’s why he’s enlisted “go along to get along” types like Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson--men who will never have to face the voters’ wrath--to stitch a fig leaf for an after-November major tax hike...
  Margaret Thatcher used to say the problem with socialism is that soon you run out of other people’s money. The European socialism that is the President’s program will require a substantial increase in the already worrisome tax burden.  Read more...

Capitalism vs. Capitalists - the solution to capitalism's problems is more capitalism.
  Washington's solution to Wall Street's problems is to get Washington deeply, deeply involved in Wall Street. So involved that the savvier capitalists will recognize -- once again -- that the safest bets are not to be found in the vicissitudes of a fickle marketplace, but in gaming the system run from Washington. The "reform" coming down the pike will put bureaucrats in charge of investors. If bureaucrats were better than investors, they wouldn't be bureaucrats. The government will decide which firms are worthy -- "systemically important" -- and which are not. Those that are will use their official "importance" to game the system. Instead of eradicating "too big too fail," we will systematize it...
  We are fond of saying that the answer to free-speech problems is more free speech. But we seem incapable of grasping that sometimes -- and only sometimes -- the solution to capitalism's problems is more capitalism. Read more...

Graham Son Booted From National Day Of Prayer - Army "honors all faiths" but not the 1st Amendment!

The Fatal Flaws of the Wall Street Bailout Bill 
  • Creates a protected class of too big to fail firms.
  • Creates permanent bailout authority .
  • Provides for seizure of private property without meaningful judicial review.
  • Establishes a $50 billion fund to pay for bailouts.
  • Opens a "line of credit" to the Treasury for additional government funding.
  • Authorizes regulators to guarantee the debt of solvent banks.
  • Imposes one-size-fits-all reform in derivative markets.
BHO's Budget Is Killing Jobs because trade deficits are merely paying off the govt’s obligations.

Demonization Video! Protesters Claim Tea Party is Racist, Can't Point to Any Evidence

He/They Lied! Govt CMS Actuary Finds ObamaCare Bends Cost Curve Up & Worse [ How much longer are we going to let politicians keep lying to us? - JS ]

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