Monday, March 8, 2010

That Other Government Takeover - What else may go into 'reconciliation.'

at The Wall Street Journal

Everyone knows Democrats are planning to use the budget reconciliation process to get ObamaCare through the Senate. Less well known is that Democrats are plotting add-ons to that bill to get other liberal priorities enacted—programs that could never attract 60 votes.

One of these controversial measures rewrites the Higher Education Act to ban private companies from offering federally guaranteed student loans as of this July. Congress has already passed laws in recent years discouraging private lenders from making loans without a federal guarantee. But most college financial-aid departments still want private companies to originate and service the guaranteed loans. That's because the alternative—a public option run by the Department of Education—has been distinguished by its Soviet-style customer service…

The federal education takeover is another example of the Democrats' willingness to use whatever tactics are necessary to advance their agenda to concentrate power in Washington—while they still can. Read more...

[ This administration tries to put stuff like this through every day, using legislative subterfuge that borders on the criminal. And if they can’t get it done in Congress, start watching for executive orders that accomplish much the same thing. JS ]

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