Monday, March 8, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/8/10

Cardinal lib/prog rule: "I do what I want, and you do what I want." Stuart Schwartz

NANNY STATE Watch! Guess Who's Coming to Your House! by Are federal home invaders in your future? Let's see if you fit into one of these very broad categories:

  • Families where Mom is not yet 21. (No mention here whether she is married or not.)
  • Families where someone is a tobacco user. (Does this include the White House? Watch out, Sasha and Malia! Does Grandpa, whom you love and have taken in, enjoy his after-dinner pipe?)
  • Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities.
  • Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States. [Emphasis added.] Read more…

Bitter Axelrod lashes out at the world | Is he defecting to the Tea Party?

Redistribution Rag! I hope our students are smart enough to see through Obama's student loan monopoly

We have the right to be as stupid, (or as fat), as we want! When the Behavior Police Attack

From The DC Morning: Overwhelmed by stimulus funds, Dallas officials turn to Franz Kafka Management Handbook -- Dallas officials have only managed to spend $2 million of $25 million in stimulus funds intended for placing homeless Texans in apartments, according to the Dallas Morning News. "The program was designed to provide temporary relief to people who need help with rent or utilities because of circumstances such as job losses or medical crises," and yet "many applicants have been waiting for weeks just to get an appointment to apply for the help." In response to the problems, "the city is evaluating whether more staffing is needed." The Morning News also reports that several charities awarded contracts to dole out the cash have withdrawn from the program due to straight-up incompetence. The estimated number of headaches created or saved by the program is estimated to be in the hundreds, if not thousands.

Emanuel Death Watch Continues: Emanuel Helps Obama Unravel from

Redistribution Rag: Guess who’s paying to Cover Tim Geithner’s **** “Bank Tax?” Y-o-u.

Time to Stop Lying to Ourselves by Star Parker at
  ..This year some 45 percent of our GDP, the economic production of the American people, will be taken by local, state, and federal government….
  Since 1970, federal government spending, adjusted for inflation, has increased by 221 percent compared to a 32-percent increase in median household income…
  We can't continue living in the lawless society we've become where politicians and corporate welfare queens can conspire in Washington to do whatever they want with our resources…
  It's time to stop lying to ourselves. We're losing our freedom and our nation. We need to slam on the brakes before it's too late.
Read more…

Advice to House: Don't Take Any Obama Wooden Nickels The Senate may trick the House into passing its bill at The WSJ.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”  Margaret Mead

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