Monday, July 4, 2011

Faith, Freedom and Fireworks at the best ever indoor Independence Day Celebrations!

By John Sykes

The two services at First Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale, were attended by over 5,000 people, and featured one of the better sermons ever on the theme of sacrifice.

Click here to watch the streaming video of the entire show, get a podcast of the sermon and a copy of the sermon notes.

Rep. Allen West and and his courageous driver in Iraq, Sgt. Robert Delgado, were very special guests.The question of the day was whether Allen West actually said he would run for VP. Maybe

Of course a Fort Lauderdale SunSentinel story chose to play this up as more of a political than a religious event. I guess they expect better coverage and more notoriety that way. The reporter must have been so distracted he didn’t hear the finely crafted and moving sermon!

This following video is from the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel. It is worth the watch and the opening fireworks scene which was actually the finale is a classic. The indoor fireworks display must be one of the best ever seen in this country.


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